Thursday, December 18, 2008

After high school

I'm not gonna go to college, I'm gonna take a month off from city market and just drive away. For a while I've just wanted to take a road trip around the country, for a month I'm just gonna drive. The only time I'm gonna use a map is on my way back. I've been stuck in the state for 17 years and I wanna see new things. yea I've been to California, Illinois, Wisconsin and states like that but that's not very exciting when your with a parent at the age of like 15 or so.


I'm pretty excited because one of the girls I use to work with, Victoria, Is back from ukraine seeing her boyfriend. Shes a student down at DU and it's been a while since i've seen or talked to her. She's an awesome person to work with and really nice. However, she leaves for Virginia in a couple days and I wont see her because when she comes back here i'll be down in denver :( hopefully after school today I will see her!!

Can't wait for break

I can't wait for the break. I'm gonna be working, going to denver from the 28th do the 1st to see my mom and some of my friends down there :) I'm so tired of this town and all the crap that comes with it. Everyone says that high school years are the best years of your life obveiously weren't sober during their years. I just wan't school to be over with for good because as soon as I graduate I'm leaving for a while to actually have fun in life.