Thursday, December 18, 2008

After high school

I'm not gonna go to college, I'm gonna take a month off from city market and just drive away. For a while I've just wanted to take a road trip around the country, for a month I'm just gonna drive. The only time I'm gonna use a map is on my way back. I've been stuck in the state for 17 years and I wanna see new things. yea I've been to California, Illinois, Wisconsin and states like that but that's not very exciting when your with a parent at the age of like 15 or so.


I'm pretty excited because one of the girls I use to work with, Victoria, Is back from ukraine seeing her boyfriend. Shes a student down at DU and it's been a while since i've seen or talked to her. She's an awesome person to work with and really nice. However, she leaves for Virginia in a couple days and I wont see her because when she comes back here i'll be down in denver :( hopefully after school today I will see her!!

Can't wait for break

I can't wait for the break. I'm gonna be working, going to denver from the 28th do the 1st to see my mom and some of my friends down there :) I'm so tired of this town and all the crap that comes with it. Everyone says that high school years are the best years of your life obveiously weren't sober during their years. I just wan't school to be over with for good because as soon as I graduate I'm leaving for a while to actually have fun in life.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Everyone knows about myspace and how 40 year old guys prey on kids there but what they don't know is that myspace is like blogger. theres 100s of millions of people expressing their opinions through away everyone can read. i think myspace should be allowed in schools but only in classes like web design.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Samsung Amoled Concept

this is the coolest computer out of the list however i realyl don't like how it looks. i pretty much think it's cool because of the red and black

Thursday, November 13, 2008

i'm growing up!!

wooo yesterday i got my licenese! it's kinda weird being in a car when no one else is in it with you but it also sucks because i don't have a car to drive....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Red Ribbon

Jeff Yalden was a pretty cool speaker, He pretty much told us to think before we do anything. I think it's cool how he can make if funny yet be serious. Hayden does have a drug problem just like anywhere else, it pretty much sucks.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

woooo snow.....not

Alright so I hate the snow 90% of the time. It can be cool for snowboarding and snowmachining. But your trapped in the house most of the time because you don't want to venture out into the cold. Do bees tell how our winter is gonna be? I honestly doubt it. I think whoever started that rumor wasn't really thinking because thats one of the stupidest thigns i've ever heard.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fancy computer...

The new apple computer looks saweeeet! I really like the detail the screen shows. If I could buy a new laptop I would probably get the new apple. I think apples are better because the creaters take more time in developing the computer.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our dancing rights

What is so wrong with the way kids dance? yea it may be offensive to some people (like grandmas) but it's the way we dance, the way we express ourselves. Even if it's at a school function we should still be able to "Bump and Grind" if we want! school sucks

Thursday, October 9, 2008

You know what grinds my gears?!?

When people are treated differently, for example, at work we are only allowed to wear city market hats. One of the employees came to work wearing a regular beanie and the floor mananger just laughed about it. One of the other managers who isn't even a manager but front yet told him to take it off. What makes me mad is another employee comes to work later wearing a Sea Hawks hat didn't get told to take it off and the managers saw him wearing it too!! it makes me so mad when someone gets in trouble for something and when someone else does it nothing happens. It's not just at work either there are sooo many people doing it in school too, it seems that if you live in hayden and don't have a certain last name your automatically worthless! like in gym today (10/9/08) someone that will remain nameless got told their work ethic was slipping when someone else was just sitting there during a game. why didn't that person get told to get up?? cause every autority figure has favorites!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


In my opinion, some things on the internet on our school computers should be blocked. Like porn and possibly games. The bad part is when we have to reasearch on drugs, alcohol and diseases the best websites come up blocked. Or when we need to find pictures, the websites we use, like photobucket, come up blocked and we have to go to google images which doesn't offer us the best pictures. The good thing is we can ask for the website to be unblocked but it takes way tooo long for it to be unblocked. 99% of the time we need them unblock now so we can do our work. When the website is unblocked it's usually a day later and we're now behind in our work. UNBLOCK WEBSITES!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First one...well second but technically first

what uuuuuuuup?
i'm a semi-normal kid that enjoys life most of the time. i live in hayden and work in steamboat. i'm a junior at hayden high and i don't plan on going to college. I don't care what people say about me and I don't take crap from anyone. i live life to the fullest every day. I have no regrets and I plan on keeping it that way.

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge. What do i think this quote means? i think it means that there could be a kid thats the smartest in his school, but if he doesn't have imagination then all you do is over think and analyse every little thing, if you have imagination you think outside that lil box. People need to open their minds to the possibilities.