Thursday, October 9, 2008

You know what grinds my gears?!?

When people are treated differently, for example, at work we are only allowed to wear city market hats. One of the employees came to work wearing a regular beanie and the floor mananger just laughed about it. One of the other managers who isn't even a manager but front yet told him to take it off. What makes me mad is another employee comes to work later wearing a Sea Hawks hat didn't get told to take it off and the managers saw him wearing it too!! it makes me so mad when someone gets in trouble for something and when someone else does it nothing happens. It's not just at work either there are sooo many people doing it in school too, it seems that if you live in hayden and don't have a certain last name your automatically worthless! like in gym today (10/9/08) someone that will remain nameless got told their work ethic was slipping when someone else was just sitting there during a game. why didn't that person get told to get up?? cause every autority figure has favorites!!!!


Brookelynn said...

OOOHHHHH yeah thats what i am talking about.And it sucks because even after high school everybody plays favorites.What is this world coming to?!?

Dr. P said...

I agree, people should be treated equally.

However, this is sometimes a lot easier said than done. Personal biases are a part of everyone and there is no getting around that. Even if a person is trying to treat everyone equally, on a subconscious level their personal biases, experiences, and perceptions all influence how they actually treat that person.

Where do personal biases come from? Are they a part of human nature? Can they be changed? Can they be overcome?

Dr. P said...

I agree, people should be treated equally.

However, this is sometimes a lot easier said than done. Personal biases are a part of everyone and there is no getting around that. Even if a person is trying to treat everyone equally, on a subconscious level their personal biases, experiences, and perceptions all influence how they actually treat that person.

Where do personal biases come from? Are they a part of human nature? Can they be changed? Can they be overcome?