Wednesday, October 8, 2008


In my opinion, some things on the internet on our school computers should be blocked. Like porn and possibly games. The bad part is when we have to reasearch on drugs, alcohol and diseases the best websites come up blocked. Or when we need to find pictures, the websites we use, like photobucket, come up blocked and we have to go to google images which doesn't offer us the best pictures. The good thing is we can ask for the website to be unblocked but it takes way tooo long for it to be unblocked. 99% of the time we need them unblock now so we can do our work. When the website is unblocked it's usually a day later and we're now behind in our work. UNBLOCK WEBSITES!!

1 comment:

Brookelynn said...

I totally agree with that.Why punish the kids who aren't pervs and looking at porn at school?This has pretty much jipped kids out of doing their work...right?